
Manpower & Reserve Affairs

The official seal for Manpower & Reserve Affairs, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps.
We listen. We care. We act.
Quantico, Virginia


Who we are

There is no Marine Corps without Marines. Our people are our greatest resource, and Manpower & Reserve Affairs is charged with acquiring, identifying, and investing in talent so the service can retain Marines who make the Fleet Marine Force more lethal and our supporting establishments more capable. Our Marines, both active and reserve, serve alongside our civilian workforce to fully realize talent management. Together, our team works to support our total force and their families so our commanders can fight and win the Nation's battles.



SECNAV commends M&RA and MCRC

The Secretary of the Navy visited Manpower and Reserve Affairs and Marine Corps Recruiting Command to recognize the overwhelming success of the...


CMC recognizes recruitment and retention successes

The Commandant of the Marine Corps visited Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) and recognized the overwhelming success of retention efforts and...


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All in the Family

Brig. Gen. and Col. Everly hold a combined promotion surrounded by family, friends, and mentors.



U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Daniel Laslett, sergeant major, 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, salutes during a naturalization ceremony aboard the...

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