
Manpower Information


Manpower Information (MI) Systems Division provides the Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs with the staff assistance necessary to plan, develop, control, integrate, and enhance manpower information systems for both garrison and expeditionary environments. MI also manages functions pertaining to personnel administration.

MI: (703) 784-9020
MID:(703) 432-0291
MIF:(703) 432-9905
MIO:(703) 784-0774
MISSA:(816) 705-5292
MIT: (703)-784-9030

Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Manpower Information Systems Division
3280 Russel Road 
Quantico, VA 22134

The MIT Branch provides DC, M&RA with all aspects of IT system support enabling the Marine HRDP. This support includes operation and maintenance of the Manpower Information Portal (MIP), application configuration and maintenance, database administration, cloud administration and support, product and technology management, web-page and user interface development, and customer support for the IT systems within the Department's purview. MIT Branch drives technical requirements and advancement to ensure Marine Corps talent management IT solutions keep pace with current technology industry standards.

The Data Director and the Data Branch exercise authority, control and management (e.g. design, planning, monitoring, enforcement and audit) of data assets while ensuring data management strategies are in-line with the USMC, DON, and DoD strategies, and that all “Total Force” personnel data holdings are governed, managed and compliant with all applicable law, policy, regulation and industry best practices. MID is responsible for advising on new strategies, policies and practices, to improve and enhance the capabilities, efficiency, and effectiveness of data interoperability throughout the Marine Corps’ data enterprise systems.  MID maintains data fidelity and governance over divisional data holdings, which facilitates cogent and confident decision making for leaders and departmental partners skilled in advanced analytics, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) efforts.  MID has two supporting sections.​

The Data Support Section (DS) conducts robust data operations supporting Departmental interests to include, but not limited to:
     a. Raw data extracts in support of current and historical inquiries (Congressional, Executive Branch, DoD, CMC et al)
     b. Support to enterprise data initiatives
     c. Data and systems modernization efforts
     d. Support to fourth-estate data partnerships (FFRDC)

The Data Quality Section (DQ) serves as a responsible authority to regularly monitor and audit organizational data holdings, batch transaction reports and delivery timeliness.  Such efforts isolate and recognize data deficiency trends and/or findings of data adulteration / hybridization ensuring the fidelity of core data assets in authoritative systems.  The Data Quality Officer In-Charge serves as a senior advisor to the Defense Manpower Data Center, Director, on service component matters, and maintains an effective liaison to determine the requirements for extra enterprise data interfaces, data elements and potential enhancements.​

Manpower Information Operations Branch (MIO) manages the Integrated Personnel/Pay System (IPPS) or Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) Family of Services (FOS) capabilities.

MIO Core Functional Areas are:

HR Systems concepts/development

  • Responsible for developing concepts/requirements for MCTFS FOS.
  • USMC enterprise systems (i.e. MCTFS, UDMIPS, ODSE, MCTFS FOS, etc.)

Program Management

  • Configuration Board
  • Interface Support Agreements (ISA)
  • DITPR-DoN Reconciliation
  • Provided by Customer (PBC))

MCTFS Tables Management

  • Daily input/update to the below MCTFS tables:


1.  Reporting Unit Code (RUC).  The RUC is a MCTFS processing code, supports roles, permissions, and processing edits, it is not a command identifier.  The RUC is used for Marine Online (MOL) access and control and used to identify what command is structured to provide administrative and pay support within a geographical location or ‘reach-back’ depending on how the command wants to provide support and are directly tied to title 10 authority.  In most cases the RUC is set at the Battalion level, which is the command level most personnel and pay policies are written to, i.e. promotion authority.  A single RUC could be administratively (pers/pay) responsible for multiple Monitor Command Codes (MCC) (assigned commands).  The RUC is also used to determine MCTFS transactional reporting authority such as Headquarters Marine Corps, designated by ‘548’ in the first three bytes, and Reporting Units identified  by ‘45’ or ‘46’ in the first two bytes.  RUCs are also used by interfacing systems and Marine Corps Housing Offices that are capable of reporting MCTFS transactions.   

2.  Monitored Command Code (MCC).  The MCC is a MCTFS code used to support the assignment, transfer, and mobilization process, it is the command assigned identifier (structured and unstructured assignments).  Once the assignment process is complete MCTFS solely uses the RUC for all HR transaction reporting.  Since the MCC is primarily used in the assignment process it identifies the members Permanent Duty Station (PDS) location used for travel and locality pay.  In support of the assignment process, CMC (MM) could request a temporary MCC to begin assigning to a command that is pending 5400 Bul authorization.  Also, within MCTFS the MCC is used in the mobilization process, referred to as the Mobilization MCC, and by HQMC as a ‘holding’ identifier such as ‘W65’ awaiting The Basic School (TBS).  Most HR systems like MOL do not recognize the MCC.  

3.  Unit Identification Code (UIC).  The UIC is a unique command identifier established within Marine Corps Total Force Structure Management System (TFSMS).  The UIC is recognized across the Marine Corps, Department of Navy and Department of Defense a ‘command identifier’, and provides a parent to child relationship or hierarchy.  The MCTFS RUC and MCC are not generally recognized outside Headquarters Marine Corps Manpower & Reserve Affairs (M&RA), and are only established in support of MCTFS processing and therefore not all UICs, i. e. commands within TFSMS will have an associated RUC/MCC.  For example, since members are administratively joined to the RUC/MCC (BN level) MCTFS will not contain the Company UICs within MCTFS Table 01 for processing. 

MIF is a customer-oriented section responsible and accountable for overseeing the acquisition, consolidation, and reduction of IT applications and databases.  The MIF has the authority to direct migration, consolidation, or retirement of applications and databases within the portfolio.  The MIF ensures that technology strategies are aligned with the business and administration processes and warfighting strategies by working closely with the Director, Information Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (IC4),  DoN Chief Information Officer, and the DoN Office of Chief Management Officer representatives to ensure that standardized DoN processes and procedures are followed.  The MIF oversees the development of the portfolio’s input to the Program Objective Memorandum (POM) to ensure adequate resources are requested for future efforts.

MISSA’s mission is to provide the DC, M&RA with the functional expertise and support necessary to plan, develop, coordinate, integrate, and enhance the MCTFS FoS in order to support the HRDP, personnel administration, and pay services throughout the Marine Corps.  In addition, MISSA provides the “boots on ground” training and support capability to all Marine Corps end-users of the MCTFS FoS.  MISSA Branches include:

a)    Integrated Applications Branch (IAB).  Responsible for functional development, testing, operation, and maintenance of mid-tier applications and capabilities.  Production teams perform the full spectrum of software development life cycle functions, including requirements identification, system specifications documentation, system design and review, system integration testing, and system acceptance testing.  Maintenance of applications will be accomplished through field reported trouble tickets, research, and implementing resolutions.

b)    System Modifications Branch (SMDB).  Responsible for functional development, testing, operation, and maintenance of the MCTFS mainframe applications.  The branch performs the full spectrum of software development life cycle functions, including requirements identification, system specifications documentation, system design and review, system integration testing, and system acceptance testing.  Mainframe security is maintained by processing and vetting access requests.

c)    System Maintenance Branch (SMB).  Responsible for correcting mainframe production logic issues and resolving member MCTFS records through field reported trouble tickets.  The branch manages, researches, and implements corrections to MCTFS cycle disruptions and is the enterprise integrated pay and personal liaison between the enterprise and Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).

d)    Manpower Information System Support Offices Branch (MISSO).  Assists reporting unit commanders in the accurate and timely reporting, problem resolution, quality control, and retrieval of MCTFS manpower, personnel, and pay information within each jurisdiction.  Support to commanders is provided through active, on-site and virtual training, system quality control, inquiry and problem resolution, and elevation of system issues to the MISSA.