
Reserve Affairs Management (RAM)

The official seal for Manpower & Reserve Affairs, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps.
Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Quantico, Virginia

who we are

Reserve Affairs Management is the principal staff advisor to the Director, Reserve Affairs on the management of Reserve Component (RC) Manpower for:

  • Non-Prior Service (NPS) Entry-Level/Initial Active Duty Training and Schools

  • Officer Transitional Appointments

  • Active Reserve (AR) Enlisted Accessions

  • AR Officer & Enlisted Assignments

  • Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program Management

  • AR Officer Accession Boards

  • RC Command and Professional Military Education Boards

  • RC Career and Professional Development

  • Reserve Officer Commissioning Program (ROCP).

enlisted accessions, retention, training (ram-1)


RAM-1 promotes improved accession, retention, and transition processes that support Marine Forces Reserve to ensure a vibrant and deployable Marine Corps Reserve capable of fulfilling its responsibility to the Total Force Marine Corps. As well as provides Reserve specific expertise to other branches of Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (HQMC). 

Roles and Responsibilities:

– Review and approve Reserve Lateral Moves.
– Review and approve Reserve incentive program requests.
– Review and approve AR Accession packages.
– Approve Reserve Officer frockings and scrolls.
– Review and approve Transfer of Education Benefits for the Reserves.

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Expand List item 6999Collapse List item 6999  Active Reserve Enlisted Accessions

1.  The Active Reserve (AR) Program provides a cadre of well-trained and experienced Reserve Component (RC) Marines to serve as a critical element of the Marine Corps full-time support to the RC.  AR Marines assist with organizing, preparing, and administering:  policies, regulations, training, instructing, recruiting, retention, and administration for the Marine Corps Reserve.  AR Marines facilitate the integration of the Total Force.  Marines approved to join the AR Program will fill a variety of billets in support of the RC across the globe. 

2.  Marines applying for accession to Active Duty within the AR Program must meet certain requirements.  Each Fiscal Year (FY), CMC (RA) assigns the Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) a mission to find the most qualified applicants by Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).  A Mission Memo is then released to identify a specific number of allocations to be filled by MOS and how many of these allocations have the option of retraining.  Retrain allocations are based on the amount of school seats available to CMC (RA) for the FY.  Marines interested in applying to the AR Program will submit AR packages through a local Prior Service Recruiter (PSR) or through their unit Career Planner (CP).  The PSR/CP submits these applications to CMC (RA) via the Total Force Retention System (TFRS).



All applicants must meet the qualifications outlined in the references. PSRs/CPs will screen applicants to ensure they are qualified and have completed an application in accordance with references.  

Required documents and forms (Accessed via unit Career Planner or Prior Service Recruiter)

Standard Required documents

- AR Accessions Application Form  

- NAVMC 11710 01-19 Commanding Officer’s Screening/Interview Guide I&I and Independent Duty

- NAVMC 11711 02-19 Commanding Officer’s Financial Worksheet

- Active Reserve Program Rank/Date of Rank Statement of Understanding

- Tattoo Screening ppt (color 360 degree photos in green on green PT uniform)

- Social Media Page 11

- All Page 11s, 6015s, NJPs, Court Martials, and UPBs

Additional required documents if applicable

- Fitness Report Data Sheet or MBS (Sergeants and above)

- AR EAB Bonus Statement of Understanding (if requesting a bonus)

- Favorable Endorsement from losing and gaining command (Direct Hires only)

-Combat Instructor Screening Checklist (if requesting Combat instructor Accession)

-Career Planner Screening Checklist (if requesting 4821 accession)

-Annex B (attached to initial contract, located in OMPF) and Bonus paperwork (Marines with previous or current bonus)

-Letter from a Medical Officer specifically stating applicant meets MOS medical prerequisites  (Lateral move requests to an MOS with medical related prerequisites)

Unnecessary documents

- Do not submit any documentation not listed above unless it is to show an applicant meets a requirement which is not currently reflected in MCTFS such as a PFT/CFT NAVMC or Security Letter.  

- Initial Join checklists, Promotion photos, MOS Manual pages, MCTFS screens (TROS, TEST, ENLM, RT07, RT04) are not to be included in the AR package.  This information will be accessed and verified by HQMC RA in real time.

how do i initiate the application process?
Step One
Step Two
  • Complete the AR Program Application.

Step Three
  • Review your application for accuracy and completeness. – Do not forget to include your command endorsement and all required enclosures, if applicable.

Step Four
  • Work with the PSR to ensure your application is submitted via the Total Force Retention System (TFRS) to the AR Accessions Chief.

**Note: RAM-3 will take approximately 30 days to review, process, and provide a response in the form of an approval or denial letter.


I&I Duty Checklist
Recruiting Duty Checklist
Financial Worksheet

active reserve accessions chief: staff sergeant justin r. butler

(703) 784-1284

Expand List item 7007Collapse List item 7007  Active to Reserve Transition

RAM-1 updates the Reserve Opportunities & Obligations Brief (ROOB) used during the Transitional Readiness Seminar (TRS), and also provides individual transitional counseling for Marines interested in the Reserve component. The ROOB and many other helpful Reserve specific videos can be viewed through the Reserve Affairs Channel on Marinenet.

 Start planning now. Most transitional Marines have a contractual obligation to the Marine Corps Reserve when they reach their EAS and the default option is to complete their obligated service in the Individual Ready Reserve. However, the default choice may not be the best choice for every Marine. The Marine Corps Reserve has many options that provide rewarding future service.

 If desired you may join the SMCR straight from active duty through the Direct Affiliation Program (DAP) if you have at least 30 days remaining prior to your EAS or as early as 120 days out from your EAS. If any time after you EAS is spent in the IRR then you will need to contact a prior service recruiter for affiliation with a SMCR Unit. The Direct Affiliation Program provides transitioning AC Marines with a seamless transition of their careers to the RC upon their EAS. Marines in the DAP leave the AC with “orders” in hand to the SMCR to help ease the transition through the unknown. In addition to a reserve billet, the DAP provides 180 days of no-cost Tricare coverage after a Marine’s EAS. Affiliation with an SMCR unit gives AC Marines an instant network with fellow Marines who have made the transition to the reserve component and the local civilian job market. Retraining opportunities may be available based upon SMCR unit needs, applicant’s skills, and available funding of the SMCR Retraining Program (LatMov).  There may also be bonuses and travel reimbursement available for officers and enlisted that meet specific requirements. 

Reserve appointments for officers transitioning from the AC to the RC require 4 months to complete. In accordance with Article II, Section II, Clause II, of the U.S. Constitution, the President shall be commander in chief of the United States and shall have the power to appoint officers of the United States. Executive order 13358 delegates the appointment of armed forces officers to the Secretary of Defense. Title 10 section 12203 and Department of Defense Instruction 1310.02 state that officers on the Active-Duty List (ADL) will have a Regular appointment and all officers on the Reserve Active-Status List (RASL) will have a reserve appointment. The ADL contains all AC officers and the RASL contains all RC officers. The Reserve commission process is explained in MARADMIN 369/17. Once approved by SECDEF, you will need to accept the commission by signing a NAVMC 763 (MARADMIN 369/17).  After your EAS you will be transferred to the reserves, usually the IRR.  You are encouraged to join units of the Selected Reserve (SMCR, IMA, or AR). If you are selected for promotion to the next grade, it is advised that you set your EAS prior to your promotion date or allow 120 days after your promotion date for completion of your Reserve Commissioning process.  Open billets may be viewed by visiting the MARFORRES website.

More information can be provided by contacting the Prior Service Recruiter (PSR) near you or where you will be relocating to.

Special note, ensure you receive a copy of your last medical physical so if your medical information does not transfer over to MCTFS, admin and the corpsman at the unit can use those documents to update that information. 

Expand List item 7004Collapse List item 7004  Officer Continuation

According to Title 10, USC 14701, the Secretary of the Navy has the option of continuing reserve officers in the grades of major through colonel beyond the maximum service limitation of 20 years commissioned service (YCS), 28 YCS, and 30 YCS respectively, to 24 YCS, 33 YCS, and 35 YCS respectively.  Reserve officers in the grade of captain with two failures for selection to promotion to the next higher grade may be continued to 20 YCS.

Officers requiring continuation on the RASL will be automatically considered for continuation upon the release of the reserve officer promotion board results.

MMSR identifies which reserve officers require and are eligible for continuation upon the release of reserve officer promotion board results.  MMSR forwards a list of all officers eligible for continuation to

CMC(RA) for approval or disapproval of continuation.  CMC (RA) is the approval/disapproval authority for continuation.

Expand List item 7006Collapse List item 7006  Officer Inter-Service Transfer

RAM-1 screens all incoming and outgoing Reserve Officer Inter-Service Transfer (IST) requests.

Incoming IST

CMC (RA) will only review and evaluate IST applications that are submitted in conjunction with the annual Reserve IST Board.  The Reserve IST board is part of the Marine Corps Officer Retention Board (ORB) held in February or early March in accordance with SECNAVINST 1000.7F.

Outbound IST

Requests for ISTs to another service must be submitted through your chain of command to MMSR-5. The Commandant of the Marine Corps (RA) is the approving authority on all Reserve Officer IST requests.

All officers are eligible for transfer to another uniformed service except officers who:

a. Have not completed all obligated service incurred:

(1) During their initial appointment.

(2) For funded education programs including U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC), and equivalent funded education programs.

(3) For advanced education or technical training requiring additional obligated service, including postgraduate education, service school or college, law school, medical residency, flight training, naval flight officer training, nuclear propulsion training, and equivalent programs.

(4) For transfer to the Regular Navy, lateral transfer between competitive categories, or designators, entering a program.

(5) For an incentive pay, continuation pay, or bonus.

b.  Are serving in a competitive category, designator, occupational field, military occupational specialty (MOS) or other authorized officer classification in which the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) determines that shortages against authorized strength necessitate retention.

c.  Are serving in the Navy in professional categories, other than the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps, and seek transfer to the Marine Corps or Coast Guard, since those services do not have equivalent categories.

d.  Have been officially notified of orders or have executed orders and have not served the period of time at the new duty station, prescribed by  CMC.

e.  Are Reserve officers on active duty who have been issued Release from Active Duty orders, unless the inter-service transfer request is received at least 6 months before the scheduled release date.

f.  Are Reserve officers on active duty who have attrited from training programs and who have no prior service in the gaining Services.

g.  Have failed selection for promotion to the next higher grade in the member’s present component (active or reserve) before submitting a request for transfer to another uniformed service.

h.  Have been notified of mandatory retirement for any reason.

i.  Have applied for transfer to the gaining service within the last year.

CMC (RA) may recommend exceptions on a case-by case basis with supporting justification when they find such action is in the best interest of their service.

Expand List item 7003Collapse List item 7003  Officer Reappointments

Former officers of the Marine Corps or USMCR and other services who resigned in good standing or who were honorably discharged may be reappointed in the Marine Corps or USMCR, depending upon the needs of the Marine Corps.  Former officers seeking reappointment in the USMCR in a drilling status must contact a Prior Service Recruiter for the necessary paperwork and submission requirements.

Link to PSR website

RAM-1 screens completed officer reappointment packages, submits for necessary waivers, and routes the completed packages for final decision.

Expand List item 7005Collapse List item 7005  Primary and Additional Military Occupational Specialty Request Process

The originator routes an AA form and any additional supporting documentation through the chain for command for an endorsement.

The final endorser (Battalion or Squadron level) e-mails the request to the Reserve Affairs Personnel Management (RAM) Organizational Mailbox at (

The sender will receive and automated e-mail notifying them that RAM-1 has received and is processing the request.  The Overall expected time to complete a request is 7 to 10 business days from the day received to the day a response is sent back to the last endorser.

The Commandant of the Marine Corps (RA) is the approving authority on all Reserve Officer requests.

If the request is disapproved, a disapproval letter will be scanned and e-mailed to the POCs involved in the original e-mail traffic.

If the request is approved, an approval letter will be scanned and e-mailed to the POCs involved in the original e-mail traffic.  Additionally, RAM-1 will certify the appropriate entries on Unit Diary.

Expand List item 7000Collapse List item 7000  Reserve Education Benefits

Transfer of Educational Benefits (TEB)

This page contains references and links to assist and answer a variety of questions regarding Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits. Although this site provides general guidance, it does not replace the references or the service member’s responsibilities in establishing and maintaining eligibility for benefits. By initiating a transfer request under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the Service Member is making an irrevocable decision to convert over to that education benefit program.

Application Procedures:


1. Apply for your transfer via the milconnect website

2. Ensure you submit a Reenlistment/Extension request via your Career Planner! This request must have a screen shot of your TEB request screen this will serve as an electronic statement of understanding. (You must request even if you cannot gain the 48 month obligated time, the request will be denied at the HQMC level and your obligation date may be eligible for modification.)

3. Complete your Reenlistment or Extension and have it run in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) by your administration section.

4. Complete all steps prior to 150 days of your TEB submittal date. If this is not complete your request will be denied.

Please be aware that your service in the SELRES must be continuous, this means no time is spent in the IRR component.


1. Apply for your transfer via the milconnect website

2. A screen shot of your TEB request from misconnect website will serve as an electronic statement of understanding. Upload this printed screen shot to your OMPF via the process listed here:

3. Complete all steps prior to 150 days of your TEB submittal date. If this is not complete your request will be denied.

Please be aware that your service in the SELRES must be continuous, this means no time is spent in the IRR component.

Eligible Family Members

Individuals who are eligible to transfer unused post 9-11 GI bill Educational benefits may transfer such benefits to their spouse, one or more of their children, or a combination of both. DEERS is used to confirm dependent eligibility. Only current spouses are eligible.

Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR)

Basic Entitlement

A Service member of the Selected Reserve is entitled to MGIB-SR basic educational assistance if he or she:

1. Enlists, reenlists, or extends an enlistment in an RC for service in the Selected Reserve on or after July 1, 1985, for a period of not less than 6 years or, in the case of an officer, agrees to serve in the Selected Reserve for 6 years besides any other period of obligated service in the Selected Reserve to which the officer may be subject.

2. Completes the initial active duty (AD) training (IADT) requirements of the Military Service in which they are serving. Individuals must complete the IADT requirements for mobilization prescribed by the Secretary of the Military Department concerned and Commandant of the USCG to become eligible for educational assistance.

3. Completes the requirements for the award of a high school diploma or equivalency certificate before applying for the MGIB-SR education entitlements.

4. The Service member must complete a DD Form 2384-1 as the official document to record entitlement to MGIB-SR and may only enter into one 6-year obligation for basic entitlement for MGIB-SR educational assistance. The DD Form 2384-1 will be maintained in the individual Service member’s standard military human resource record as required in DoDI 1336.08 (Reference (e)).


To promote retention of the Selected Reserve, the Secretaries of the Military Departments may authorize a supplement to educational assistance to members of the Selected Reserve in critically manned specialties, skills, or units designated by the Secretary concerned.


Expand List item 6997Collapse List item 6997  Reserve Incentives/Bonuses

Incentives and Training

This page contains references and links to assist and answer a variety of questions regarding applying for an incentive or a lateral move in the SMCR. Although this site provides general guidance, it does not replace the references or the Marine’s responsibilities in establishing and maintaining eligibility for bonuses or lateral move. By initiating a request under both programs, the Marine understands their responsibility to be a satisfactory participant in the Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) and fulfill the length of the required obligation.

Application Procedures (Incentive):Enlisted/Officer:

1. Marine will be required to contact their unit Career Planner, as the request for the incentive will be submitted via the Total Force Retention System (TFRS) in accordance with applicable MARADMIN(s). Marine must include the Statement of Understanding (SOU) pertaining to the specific incentive requested as an attachment in the Reenlistment or Extension request. If the request is approved, the Marine will be obligated to serve in the Selected Marine Corps Reserve for up to 48 months.

2. If approved, the Reenlistment or Extension must be accepted by the Marine prior to the No Later Than (NLT) execution date list on the approved request or prior to the end of the fiscal year (whichever is first), reported on Unit Diary, and reflected in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS).

3. Once this action has occurred, HQMC RAM-1 will report the (TTC 245-001) obligation remark (D302 MCTFS screen) and update the Marine’s Mandatory Drill Stop Participation Date (MDSPD).

4. The unit will receive an advisory to report the bonus payment entry (TTC 900-***) after HQMC RAM-1 reports the obligation remark. Reporting guidance will be included as an attachment on the approved Reenlistment or Extension via TFRS.

Application Procedures (Lateral Move):

1. Marine will be required to contact their unit Career Planner, as the request for lateral move will be submitted via the Total Force Retention System (TFRS) in accordance with applicable MARADMIN(s). Marine must include the SMCR Lateral Move Statement of Understanding (SOU) and the Training Request Form (TRF) as attachments in the Reenlistment or Extension request. If the Marine is screened and found qualified for the requested lateral move, HQMC RAM-1 will register the Marine (if already in the SMCR) into the requested school seat.

2. The approved Reenlistment or Extension must be accepted by the Marine prior to the NLT execution date or prior to the end of the fiscal year (whichever is first), reported on Unit Diary, and reflected in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS).

3. Once this action has occurred, HQMC RAM-1 will report the Intended Military Occupational Specialty (IMOS) entry on Unit Diary and update the Marine’s Mandatory Drill Stop Participation Date (MDSPD).

4. Orders Writing Instructions and guidance will be included as an attachment on the approved Reenlistment or Extension via TFRS.

Expand List item 7002Collapse List item 7002  Reserve Officer Frockings

Frocking is defined as the administrative authority from SECDEF (O7 and above) or SECNAV (O6 and below) granting officers selected for promotion and, if required, confirmed by the U.S. Senate but not yet promoted, the right to wear the insignia and uniform and assume the title of the next higher grade.

RAM-1 is responsible for the management and disposition of all reserve component officer frocking requests, except general officers.

All officers shall either be serving, or have permanent change of station orders to serve, in a higher grade position and already have detached from the previous position.  Additionally, officers with PCS orders shall begin serving in the position of the higher grade within 60 days of the requested frocking date.  Requests for frocking must meet at least one of the criteria below without exception.

  1. Billets with the title of Defense Attache, Marine Attache, or Naval Attache.

  2. Billets attached to the immediate staffs of the Offices of the President and Vice President of the United States.

  3. Joint Duty Assignments List (JADL) billets JD1 or JD2 codded billets.

  4. Selective Service Headquarters billets including, but no limited to, billets attached to immediate staffs of the Service Secretaries, Service Under Secretaries and Assistant Service Secretaries.

  5. Billets with the title Commanding Officer (CO).

  6. Billets with the title Executive Officer (XO).

  7. Acquisition Corps major program manager billets (ACAT I).

Expand List item 7008Collapse List item 7008  Reserve Training Liaison (RTL)

Reserve MOS Reclassification

This page contains information to assist in requesting a Reserve MOS Reclassification while the Reserve Marine is still within the Training Accession Pipeline.  All requests for a Reserve MOS Reclassification will be submitted by a Reserve Affairs (RA) Reserve Training Liaison (RTL). In cases where an RTL is not stationed near a specific school house, commands should submit a request to the nearest RTL within that region.

Reserve Training Liaison (RTL)

Reserve Affairs is a cross-functional division within Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps (HQMC), Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) tasked to focus on Reserve Component (RC) equities within Total Force Manpower. The RTLs, were established by RA in strategic locations at major training commands to administratively support (RC) recruits and Marines during the accession training pipe-line in accordance with applicable policies. The RTL billets are owned by HQMC RA and mapped to the following units from the RA Table of Organization (T/O).

HQMC RA RAM-1 serves as the program manager for the RTL program. The RTLs primary duty is to administratively support RC students. This support includes, but is not limited to, the following:interviews, screening and auditing records, maintaining and reporting accountability, and coordination as required between RAM-1, follow-on schools, and gaining commands. Additional responsibilities include:Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Reclassification, ensuring accurate unit diary entry reporting, and other routine administrative requirements for a smooth transition to RC follow-on participation.  There may be additional tasks which need to be accomplished in order to support the RC Marines based on specific MOS requirements. 

RTL Locations


Building 6000, Room 1

MCRD Parris Island, SC

Office: (843) 228-3718



School of Infantry East

Bldg G644

Camp Geiger, NC  

Office: (910) 449-0138

School of Infantry East

Bldg G644

Camp Geiger, NC  

Office: (910) 449-0138



MCRD San Diego, CA

Office:(619) 524-6721



School of Infantry West

Camp Pendleton, CA

Office:(760) 725-7162

School of Infantry West

Camp Pendleton, CA

Office: (760) 725-7407



Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School (MCCES)

MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, CA

Office: (760) 830-6200



The Basic School

MCB Quantico, VA

Office:(703) 784-5668







Reserve MOS Reclassification Request Sheet

Expand List item 6998Collapse List item 6998  Reserve Training/Lateral Move


This page contains references and links to assist and answer a variety of questions regarding applying for a lateral move in the SMCR. Although this site provides general guidance, it does not replace the references or the Marine’s responsibilities in establishing and maintaining eligibility for bonuses or lateral move. By initiating a request under both programs, the Marine understands their responsibility to be a satisfactory participant in the Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) and fulfill the length of the required obligation.

Application Procedures (Lateral Move):

1. Marine will be required to contact their unit Career Planner, as the request for lateral move will be submitted via the Total Force Retention System (TFRS) in accordance with applicable MARADMIN(s). Marine must include the SMCR Lateral Move Statement of Understanding (SOU) and the Training Request Form (TRF) as attachments in the Reenlistment or Extension request. If the Marine is screened and found qualified for the requested lateral move, HQMC RAM-1 will register the Marine (if already in the SMCR) into the requested school seat.

2. The approved Reenlistment or Extension must be accepted by the Marine prior to the NLT execution date or prior to the end of the fiscal year (whichever is first), reported on Unit Diary, and reflected in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS).

3. Once this action has occurred, HQMC RAM-1 will report the Intended Military Occupational Specialty (IMOS) entry on Unit Diary and update the Marine’s Mandatory Drill Stop Participation Date (MDSPD).

4. Orders Writing Instructions and guidance will be included as an attachment on the approved Reenlistment or Extension via TFRS.


Active reserve assignmeNTs (ram-2)


Principal staff advisor to the Director, Reserve Affairs on the management of Reserve Component (RC) Manpower for Non-Prior Service (NPS) Entry-Level/Initial Active Duty Training & Schools, Officer Transitional Appointments, Active Reserve (AR) Enlisted Accessions, AR Officer & Enlisted Assignments, Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program Management, AR Officer Accession Boards, RC Command & Professional Military Education Boards, RC Career & Professional Development, & the Reserve Officer Commissioning Program (ROCP).

Roles and Responsibilities:

-Staff AR personnel to identified requirements and established CMC manning precedence.      

-Manage AR Career paths.                                                                                             

-Develop AR Personnel Staffing Goals and Priorities.                                                  
-Coordinate AR Structure changes with MMOA, MMEA, and TFSD.                          
-Coordinate Reserve Command Screening Boards and AR Officer Accession Boards.               
-Coordinate and manage the Reserve Officer PME Program.                                                      
-Provide general administrative support to the Reserve Component.                                           
-Coordinate and schedule RAM Command Visits.

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Expand List item 7010Collapse List item 7010  Active Reserve Enlisted Monitors
RAM Senior enlisted advisor (SEA): Master Gunnery Sergeant Jeffery t. Ward

Special Duty Assignments (SDA) Monitor

(703) 432-9411

01xx admin monitor: master Sergeant christopher hoffner

(703) 784-0529

02xx - 21xx combat arms monitor: master sergeant william maley           

(703) 784-0526

30xx - 57xx/8014 css monitor: master sergeant joseph s. ortiz

(703) 784-0528

60xx - 70xx aviation monitor: master sergeant joseph derington

(703) 784-0527

Expand List item 7012Collapse List item 7012  Active Reserve Officer Accessions

Access qualified Marines to the Active Reserve Program in a manner that maintains end strength with the appropriate mix of occupational specialties


Active Reserve Officer Accession Package Templates


-Active Reserve Officer Accession Board Application
-Reserve Qualification Summary
-Aviation Qualification Summary
-Career Summary




MCO 1001.52K




Aug 2024 ASR

Power BI

Expand List item 7013Collapse List item 7013  Active Reserve Officer Career Designation

Application for career designation is done through a board process, held concurrently with the Officer Accession Board, in order to continue serving on the AR Program at the conclusion of the initial accession tour. Processes, guidelines, and instructions will be promulgated by MARADMIN announcing the board. Officers are eligible to apply for career designation after having 540 cumulative days of observed fitness reporting while serving on the program from their original accession date. Those selected for career designation will be assigned an indefinite expiration of active service (EAS) and will be retained on the AR Program consistent with Marine Corps requirements, grade limitations, applicable statutory provisions, and service policy. Those not selected for career designation or those not applying for career designation will continue serving until reaching the expiration of active service date originally established at the time of initial accession.

Active Reserve Career Designation Templates

-AR Officer Career Designation Application

-Career Summary

-Reserve Qualification Summary

-Aviation Qualification Summary

Expand List item 7009Collapse List item 7009  Active Reserve Officer Monitors
Reserve Affairs Management (RAM) Branch Head: Colonel Shane A. Donahue

Colonels Monitor

(703) 784-0555

Deputy Branch Head: Lieutenant Colonel daniel s. green

Lieutenant Colonel and Aviation Monitor

(703) 784-0530

ram 2 Officer-in-Charge: major stephen Grodek

First Lieutenant - Major Monitor

(703) 784-0531

ram-1 officer in charge: chief warrant officer 5 alvin figueroa

Warrant Officer - Chief Warrant Officer 5 Monitor

(703) 784-0511

Expand List item 7014Collapse List item 7014  Special Duty Assignments

Prior Service Recruiting, Drill Instructor, Marine Corps Combat Instructor

RAM-2 manages, screens, and assigns qualified Active Reserve Marines to the most demanding and rewarding peacetime assignments the Marine Corps has to offer.


FY22 screening for directed assignments to billets as Prior Service Recruiters, Drill Instructors, and Marine Combat Instructors has been initiated with MARADMIN. The list of Marines directed for screening is located on the side of the page under “FY22 Active Reserve SDA Documents.” NLT 20 April 2021, all identified Marines are required to be screened by their Unit Commanding Officer in accordance with the checklists and instructions provided on the right side of the page. Marines that have been identified to be screened must complete the checklist for all three types of SDA duties as it pertains to the Marine’s grade:

FY21 Active Reserve SDA Screening Documents

-Recruiting Duty Checklist

-Recruiting Duty Screening Instructions

-Drill Instructor Duty Checklist

-Drill Instructor Screening Instructions

-Financial Worksheet

-Combat Instructor Checklist

-Combat Instructor Screening Instructions

-Prior Service Recruiting 8421 Screening Addendum

-FY22 SDA Screening List

reserve programs and boards


Principal staff advisor to the Director, Reserve Affairs on the management of the Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program, Reserve Affairs boards, to include Reserve Command Screening, Reserve Senior Leader, and Reserve Professional Military Education Boards, and Reserve Joint Officer Management.

Roles and Responsibilities:

· Provide overall management for the Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program.

· Coordinate IMA Structure changes with MARFORRES and TFSD.

· Conduct and support Reserve Affairs sponsored selection boards.

· Provide Service-level Joint Officer Management support for Reserve Component Marines.

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 7015Collapse List item 7015  IMA Program

The mission of the IMA Program is to augment and reinforce Active Component (AC) staffs of the Marine Corps, Department of Defense (DoD) entities, and other U.S. Government departments or agencies having IMA structure on their Tables of Organization (T/O) with pre-trained and qualified members of the Selected Reserve. IMAs are trained individuals pre-assigned to billets that must be filled to support mobilization (pre-and/or post mobilization) requirements, contingency operations, operations other than war, or other specialized or technical requirements.

Current events:
  • Advertised IMA billets are authorized to DAP or PSR join into and updated weekly  (IMA BILLETS)

Opgroup/sponsor request templates
Expand List item 7018Collapse List item 7018  Joint Qualification

Joint Matters Definition (DoDI 1300.19):

Matters related to the development or achievement of strategic objectives through the synchronization, coordination, and organization of integrated forces in operations conducted across domains such as land, sea, or air, in space, or in the information environment, including matters relating to any of the following:

  •  National military strategy; strategic and contingency planning; command and control, intelligence, fires, movement and maneuver, protection, or sustainment of operations under unified command.

  • National security planning with other departments and agencies of the United States.

  • Combined operations with military forces of allied nations.

  • Acquisition under Chapter 87 of Title 10, U.S.C., that involves developing, testing, contracting, producing, or fielding multi-Service programs or systems.

  • Other matters designated in regulation by the Secretary of Defense in consultation with the CJCS.

Discretionary Points

  •   Master List of Certified Courses

E-JDA Self Nomination

  •   Definition of Joint Matters

  •   How to Self-Nominate

  •   How to Self-Nominate

  •   Total Force JOM Handbook Air Force

Expand List item 7016Collapse List item 7016  Reserve Officer Command Screening Program

The Reserve Officer Command Screening Program establishes a centralized process to evaluate, screen and slate Reserve Component officers through an annual non-statutory board, to reserve command billets and subsequently manage the assumption and execution of those command tours.







  • FY24 RCSB Col Precept

  • FY24 RCSB LtCol Precept

  • FY24 RSLB Precept


  • FY24 RCSB/RSLB Alternates

  • FY24 RCSB/RSLB Statistics and Trends


fy23 rscb/rlsb

  • FY23 RCSB LtCol Precept

  • FY23 RSLB Precept


  • FY23 RCSB/RSLB Alternates

  • FY23 RCSB/RSLB Statistics and Trends


  • FY22 RCSB Col Precept

  • FY22 RCSB LtCol Precept

  • FY22 RSLB Precept


  • FY22 RCSB/RSLB Alternates

  • FY22 RCSB/RSLB Statistics and Trends


  • FY21 RCSB Col Precept

  • FY21 RCSB LtCol Precept

  • FY21 RSLB Precept



  • FY21 RCSB/RSLB Alternates 

  • FY21 RCSB/RSLB Statistics and Trends


  • FY20 RCSB Col Precept

  • FY20 RCSB LtCol Precept

  • FY20 RCSB SLB Precept


  • FY20 RCSB/RSLB Alternates

  • FY20 RCSB/RSLB Statistics and Trends


  • FY19 RCSB Col Precept

  • FY19 RCSB LtCol Precept

  • FY19 RSLB Precept


  • FY19 RCSB/RSLB Alternates

  • FY19 RCSB/RSLB Statistics and Trends

Expand List item 7017Collapse List item 7017  Reserve Officer PME/GEP

The Reserve Officer Professional Military Education (RPME) Section provides Marine Corps Reserve Officers with the information and coordination to attend levels of PME that are commensurable with their grade as covered by MCO 1553.4B.

AY2024-25 rpme

  • AY2024-25 RPME Precept

  • AY2024-25 RPME

  • AY2024-25 RPME

  • AY2024-25 RPME

  • FY2024 RPME Active Reserve Graduate Education

    AY2023-24 RPME

  • AY2023-24 RPME Precept

  • AY2023-24 RPME Results

  • AY2023-24 RPME Alternates

  • AY2023-24 RPME Statistics and Trends

  • FY2023 Active Reserve Graduate Education Program (GEP) Selection Results


    AY2022-23 RPME

  • AY2022-23 RPME Precept

  • AY2022-23 RPME Results

  • AY2022-23 RPME Alternates

  • AY 2022-23 RPME Statistics and Trends 

  • FY2022 Active Reserve Graduate Education Program (GEP) Selection Results


    AY2021-22 RPME

  • AY2021-22 RPME Precept

  • AY2021-22 RPME Results

  • AY2021-22 RPME Alternates

  • AY2021-22 RPME Board Statistics and Trends

    AY2020-21 RPME 

  • AY2020-21 RPME Precept

  • AY2020-21 RPME Results

  • AY2020-21 Alternates

  • AY2020-21 RPME Board Statistics and Trends

  • FY2020 Active Reserve Special Education Program (SEP) Selection Results 


    AY2019-20 RPME

  • AY2019-20 RPME Precept

  • AY2019-20 RPME Results

  • AY2019-20 Alternates

  • AY2019-20 RPME Board Statistics and Trends

  • AY2019 Active Reserve Special Education Program (SEP) Selection Results


The Reserve Officer Commissioning Program (ROCP) serves as the primary means of sourcing commissioned officers to the Reserve Component (RC) in order to sustain company grade officer staffing requirements.

The program includes Officer Candidate Course – Reserve (OCC-R), Reserve Enlisted Commissioning Program (RECP), Meritorious Commissioning Program – Reserve (MCP-R), Platoon Leader’s Course-Reserve (PLC-R), and Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps – Reserve (NROTC-R).

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Expand List item 7019Collapse List item 7019  Professional Development tours

Provides newly accessed Reserve Officers the opportunity for an operational tour with the Active Component (AC) to gain leadership and technical experience, appropriate to their grade and primary military occupation specialty (PMOS). Following graduation from MOS school, ADOS orders for a maximum of 12 months with an AC unit will be issued. 

Coordinating Instructions

  1. Once a Reserve Officer has been joined to their SMCR unit, submit a NAVMC 11350 to the program manager at

    1. Must have an established Primary Residence within MCTFS (through SMCR unit S-1)

    2. Must ensure Individual Medical Record (IMR) is updated with a current PHA and HIV vaccination date

2. PDTs will start approximately 30 days from MOS school graduation for CONUS tours and 45 days from MOS school graduation for OCONUS tours.


Active Duty For Operational Support in Support of the Total Force (ADOS) – MCO 1001.59A

Updated Guidance for ROCP Professional Development Tour (PDT) – MARADMIN 022/21


Principal staff advisor to the Director, Reserve Affairs on the continuous professional development and readiness of Marines by effectively planning, facilitating, and managing educational programs in support of the Marine Corps Total Force.

Roles and responsibilities:

  • Planning, facilitation, and curriculum refinement of all annual Total Force Integration Staff Training (TFIST) courses for both Officer and Enlisted personnel.

  • Planning, facilitation, and management of the Reserve Senior Staff Courses for the Reserve Component senior Officers (LtCol - Col) and Senior Enlisted (MSgt/1stSgt - MGySgt/SgtMaj) personnel.

  • Development, planning, and management of Marine Corps Total Force integration educational programs and projects.


RAM-5 Poc:

ram-5 oic: 

Major Marshall J. Jones
          O:   (703) 784-3676

ram-5 chief:

Sergeant Alejandro C. Hernandez
          O:  (703) 784-3676