1. The Active Reserve (AR) Program provides a cadre of well-trained and experienced Reserve Component (RC) Marines to serve as a critical element of the Marine Corps full-time support to the RC. AR Marines assist with organizing, preparing, and administering: policies, regulations, training, instructing, recruiting, retention, and administration for the Marine Corps Reserve. AR Marines facilitate the integration of the Total Force. Marines approved to join the AR Program will fill a variety of billets in support of the RC across the globe.
2. Marines applying for accession to Active Duty within the AR Program must meet certain requirements. Each Fiscal Year (FY), CMC (RA) assigns the Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) a mission to find the most qualified applicants by Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). A Mission Memo is then released to identify a specific number of allocations to be filled by MOS and how many of these allocations have the option of retraining. Retrain allocations are based on the amount of school seats available to CMC (RA) for the FY. Marines interested in applying to the AR Program will submit AR packages through a local Prior Service Recruiter (PSR) or through their unit Career Planner (CP). The PSR/CP submits these applications to CMC (RA) via the Total Force Retention System (TFRS).
All applicants must meet the qualifications outlined in the references. PSRs/CPs will screen applicants to ensure they are qualified and have completed an application in accordance with references.
Required documents and forms (Accessed via unit Career Planner or Prior Service Recruiter)
Standard Required documents
- AR Accessions Application Form
- NAVMC 11710 01-19 Commanding Officer’s Screening/Interview Guide I&I and Independent Duty
- NAVMC 11711 02-19 Commanding Officer’s Financial Worksheet
- Active Reserve Program Rank/Date of Rank Statement of Understanding
- Tattoo Screening ppt (color 360 degree photos in green on green PT uniform)
- Social Media Page 11
- All Page 11s, 6015s, NJPs, Court Martials, and UPBs
Additional required documents if applicable
- Fitness Report Data Sheet or MBS (Sergeants and above)
- AR EAB Bonus Statement of Understanding (if requesting a bonus)
- Favorable Endorsement from losing and gaining command (Direct Hires only)
-Combat Instructor Screening Checklist (if requesting Combat instructor Accession)
-Career Planner Screening Checklist (if requesting 4821 accession)
-Annex B (attached to initial contract, located in OMPF) and Bonus paperwork (Marines with previous or current bonus)
-Letter from a Medical Officer specifically stating applicant meets MOS medical prerequisites (Lateral move requests to an MOS with medical related prerequisites)
Unnecessary documents
- Do not submit any documentation not listed above unless it is to show an applicant meets a requirement which is not currently reflected in MCTFS such as a PFT/CFT NAVMC or Security Letter.
- Initial Join checklists, Promotion photos, MOS Manual pages, MCTFS screens (TROS, TEST, ENLM, RT07, RT04) are not to be included in the AR package. This information will be accessed and verified by HQMC RA in real time.
how do i initiate the application process?
Step One
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
**Note: RAM-3 will take approximately 30 days to review, process, and provide a response in the form of an approval or denial letter.
I&I Duty Checklist
Recruiting Duty Checklist
Financial Worksheet
active reserve accessions chief: staff sergeant justin r. butler
(703) 784-1284