
Career Management Team

The official seal for Manpower & Reserve Affairs, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps.
Reserve Affairs Division
Quantico, Virginia

Who we are

Career Management Team provides the Reserve Component (RC) with career development advice, support to BIC inventory management, and counsels the RC and transitioning Active Component (AC) Marines with billet opportunities that supports the needs of the Marine Corps and desires of the Marine.


1.  Support the inventory management of the RC to satisfy statutory end strength requirements and meet manning control strength.

2.  Support the Reserve Transition and Retention program.

3.  Educate and advertise the CMT services to the Reserve leadership and Marines.

4.  Provide counseling to Marines on professional career development and enhancement.

5.  Provide guidance on career progression, lateral moves, special assignments, and educational opportunities.

6.  Advise Marines on Performance Evaluation Review Board and the Board of Corrections of Naval Records submissions.

7. Conduct an out brief with board members for all Reserve boards to identify trends and issues

Branch Head                                                 CMT Center Desk

Col Jenny Storm                                                                                                              (703) 784-0557                                                                                                                                                           (703) 784-0583

Deputy Branch Head                                     CMT ORG BOX

LtCol Marven W. Brown                                                                                                    SMB_CMT@USMC.MIL


Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Reserve Affairs Division
3280 Russell Road
Quantico, VA 22134